I'm sure I'm not the only author who reaches Launch Day and feels as if she's just given birth!
I've been "expecting" this baby--this novel from Abingdon Press--for more than eight years. When the Morning Glory Blooms lived so long in a tender spot under my heart.
And today, I held it in my arms, looked into its soft face, and said, "It's a book!"
So how am I spending my first day with this new baby?
On my knees. The labor isn't over, of course. Marketing, publicity, speaking related to the book, articles related to the book, author events, blog visits, the wonder of interacting with readers.
But I intend to spend this day on my knees.
I'm spreading the cover before me, laying one hand on the cover and one hand on my Bible and praying, "Lord, I know how these two books are connected. Please help readers see the link, too."
I'm turning to the title page and praying for my publishing house, editor, publicist, marketing manager, sales team, publisher...
I'm opening to the dedication page and praying for those for whom the book was written.
I'm asking the Lord to breathe life into the pages, to touch them so that those who pick up the book sense something that can only be Him.
My prayers include practical things like face-to-the-carpet prayers for good reviews, good sales, and readers, readers, readers.
I'm spending time on this Launch Day praying for the real people whose lives resemble the characters in the story. Praying for the answers to THEIR plot problems. Praying for the kind of grace my characters found.
Before I stop, I'll open to the discussion questions in the back--questions created long ago--and pray as I read them again, applying the discussion points to my own understanding of life and trauma and mercy and family angst. Then I'll go through them again, asking God to steer the book club discussions or the life groups or crisis pregnancy resource homes that choose to make When the Morning Glory Blooms a point of discussion.
Part of my Prayer Launch includes a praise session--thanking God for the privilege of serving Him through writing. I'll thank Him for causing the proposal to catch the eye of an editor and for the joy of working with both the freelance editor and the publishing house editor that helped me polish the story.
I'm going to spend time before the day's over praying bold, brave prayers, trusting in a limitless, powerful God who loves to give good gifts to His children. I'm going to ask for His favor on this novel, as I've asked from the first word committed to the page. I'll ask for relationships to heal, for lives to be restored, for faith to blossom and grow, for librarians to read out of curiosity and find something for their own hearts in the pages, for stock people at Walmart to peek inside the covers and find even a line or one thought that will direct them to pursue Christ, for the kind of open doors that only God can open.
I'll pray with gratitude for those who prayed for this book, for the endorsers and influencers and blog hosts and reviewers and those who will spread the word to their friends, those who will give it as a gift, those who will hand it to their mother for Mother's Day and start a conversation.
I will lay my Bible over the novel so I can only see the book I call "mine" through the book He called His.
And when the day is done, I will petition God to ask Him for the joy of having a Launch Day again and again and again.
How do you pray for the books to which you give birth? What is the prayer of your heart on Launch Day? I'd love it if you'd share your ideas with me. Together, we'll build a repertoire of prayers that both cover our books and propel them out into the reading world. (If you'd like a peek at the newborn, you can find her here: http://www.cynthiaruchti.com/books/when-the-morning-glory-blooms
I have never seen this kind of advice before. As soon as I read it, my response is "Doh!" Of course!
What a beautiful reminder, and what a wonderful way to sanctify the whole of your writing ministry. Thank you. God's richest blessings on this writing endeavor.
Posted by: Bill Giovannetti | April 01, 2013 at 09:11 AM
I will also pray for the launch of When the Morning Glory Blooms. Your prayer path is such a lovely dedication of your book to God's glory! Thanks so much for sharing.
Posted by: Carol McAdams Moore | April 01, 2013 at 09:26 AM
Cynthia - you spur me on to do likewise. I feel ashamed that I treated my book launches in the past so casually in comparison. Thank you so much for the suggestions which I will certainly put into practice. For me it isn't the launch in the US but the launch in the UK which will happen in October God willing. And the campaign I'm beginning today to alert folk to the fact that '"It's Just You and Me Lord" will be available in Sam's Club for Mother's Day.Putting your suggestions for a photo competition into practice.I have the Morning Glory book on order from Amazon uk, so any day now. Richest blessings on the book - and on you!
Posted by: Marion Stroud | April 01, 2013 at 09:41 AM
Bill, Carol, Marion, you are among my "great cloud of witnesses" surrounding this launch. Thank you so much for your sensitive and encouraging comments!
Posted by: Cynthia Ruchti | April 01, 2013 at 09:57 AM
I love this! What a wonderful way to celebrate a book baby and honor the Author of Life as well. Thank you for setting such a wonderful example for the rest of us.
Posted by: Jocelyn Green | April 01, 2013 at 11:02 AM
Jocelyn, thank you for your comment. Writing this blog post was an exercise in journaling how I knew the Lord wanted me to spend the bulk of this day. Now following through! :)
Posted by: Cynthia Ruchti | April 01, 2013 at 11:15 AM
Wow, I loved how you gave your baby to the Lord. I too did a similar thing. After I received word that my manuscript was accepted, I took it with me to my weekly sacred space time at a Catholic church and read it silently--praising Him and giving it up to Him. Then when it was published I took the physical book with me to church and prayed over it as well. I know it is in His hands. Thanks for sharing your beautiful gift of gratitude to the Lord.
Posted by: Ardis Nelson | April 02, 2013 at 03:10 PM
Thank you for your comment, Ardis, and the lovely word picture. I can just see you in the "sanctuary" as you gave every word back to Him.
Posted by: Cynthia Ruchti | April 02, 2013 at 03:22 PM